I was advising my student when I was transfixed by his lover, Phyllis. He told me to stay away. She whispered to me to come close. She said I could be with her... ...if she could ride me around town like a horse. So I let her and wrote about it.

My Mistress ordered me to write erotica about us. She ordered me to bring to life our experiences and our feelings. She loved it so much she ordered me to publish it online.

My Pen, Her Whip is fun, sexy, and humorous! I’m all about telling stories, developing characters, and exploring ideas.

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“This is the best thing I have read! 😂 😭”

“I was laughing 10 times reading the story!”

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This being erotica, the opsis is sexy af, but the mythos still reigns supreme. Erotica is the medium but not the message. Story is older as time. Older than the statue of Venus coming to life and putting on furs. Older than Godiva liberating the townsfolk from her husband’s oppressive taxation and whipping Tom. Older even than Phylis riding her husband’s tutor around like she was Godiva on horseback.

I will publish stories of my life as well as stories from my dreams and fantasies.

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Writer of dark and dramatic spicy short stories and erotica. Interviews with erotica writers. Essays on BDSM, femdom, culture, and sexuality. Reviews of erotica films and books. Currently sharing sadistic horror story The Film Student.


Writer of erotica and noir. Top 100 in category on Amazon. Posts include short stories, interviews, reviews, excerpts, essays, and updates about new work.